Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Wilkinson Environmental Ltd is an environmental services company. Our area of interest and expertise is in the construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of environmentally related assets including drainage, sewerage and water mains services.

Our objectives are to:

·       Maintain and grow the financial performance of the Company through the provision of quality services in order to achieve customer and regulatory requirements

·       Prevent injury and ill health to individuals

·       Ensure environmental protection including the prevention of pollution, and to maintain the reputation of ourselves and our business partners

We recognise our corporate social responsibility to all parties that have an interest in our organisation and ensure the following steps are embedded within our management systems to ensure these responsibilities are met:

·       We ensure fair pay and conditions for our workforce

·       We ensure non-exploitation of workforce, contractors or suppliers, either regards to cost or expectations including working hours and deliverables. We assure as far as is reasonably practicable to purchase from reputable suppliers so to avoid exploitation of children or others

·       We recruit locally and ensure diversity and equal opportunities in the workforce

·       We ensure that our workforce have the required skills, knowledge, attributes, training and experience to fulfil their role to the best of their ability

·       We respect the rights of our workforce to enter into collective bargaining arrangements and join trades unions

·       We consult our workforce on our proposals, especially regards health & safety and significant organisational change including redundancy or TUPE

·       We ensure as a minimum compliance with legal requirements regards health and safety to protect our workforce and others. We maintain our premises to provide a safe, healthy working environment where people want to work.

·       We will not tolerate any discrimination or harassment of or by our workforce or others working on our behalf.

·       We ensure that our capability and disciplinary processes ensure a fair outcome to workforce performance issues.

·       We act as a considerate contractor, acting in an environmentally considerate and legally compliant way

·       We reduce nuisance to the public through considerate parking, the reduction of noise, dust and fume, and through ensuring good housekeeping on sites. We do not tolerate or permit offensive language or behaviour towards others.

·       We respect the environments we work in and ensure that we do not impact upon flora, fauna and the supporting habitats that may be impacted on by our work.

·       We ensure resource use and waste is minimised through good planning, specification, procurement, use of a competent workforce, good storage, handling and use of materials and other resources; and through good waste management to facilitate recycling.

·       We ensure materials and waste storage cannot cause pollution, nuisance, infestation or loss through theft, litter, fly-tipping or fire. We ensure that waste carriers are licensed and that receiving sites have the appropriate permits.

·       We ensure that we prevent pollution by using where possible low hazard products, and for those that are hazardous minimising volumes, ensuring compliant storage, providing adequate equipment, training and information to facilitate safe handling, and preparing and testing emergency situations.

·       When purchasing materials from vulnerable sources we as far as practicable purchase from sustainable sources e.g. certified timber.

·       As far as reasonably practicable we buy from local suppliers. In the office we buy fair-trade goods where available and either recycled or sustainably forested paper products

·       We maintain energy and water efficient office premises.

·       We select and maintain our vehicles and train our drivers and operators to ensure safe, fuel efficient and low emission performance of our vehicles and plant.

·       we work with local communities through local recruitment. We have provided donations of labour and donations to community schemes and financial contributions to charitable organisations.

·       we ensure sound financial management so to continue the sustainability of the business as a local employer and business partner to our customers and supply chain.

·       we ensure that no bribery, corruption or fraud occurs within our company, and that we operate in a sound and ethical way.

·       We ensure that all members of our supply chain operate in a responsible manner. Furthermore, we promote our corporate social responsibility values to our supply chain and provide guidance to improve the levels of compliance with this policy when required.

I, as Managing Director, shall review the effectiveness and adequacy of this policy on an annual basis and following any changes to company activity, legal changes or reputational management incident.

We will review this policy at least annually and shall communicate this policy to all persons working on our behalf and to other interested parties.

Mike Moss
Managing Director
03 January 2020